The Virgin Voter


A few odds and ends

We here at VV feel that is our solemn duty to try and bring cool sites to your attention. So, in the interest of the public good, here we go:

No-name Comics:

The word "brilliant" gets thrown around all too much these days. So I'm not going to use it. But these guys, Erik Sandoval and Ben Gigli (a friend of ours since high school) are damn funny. Knowing Ben, it's Erik who's responsible for the quality artwork, and the two of them write the strip together. It's not quite Gabe and Tycho, but give them some time. Plus, anyone who insinuates that Satan owes Bill O'Reilly a favor or two is good in our book.

College Humor:

Not necessarily political, at least not most of the time, but at least it's written by college students, thus speaking to an aspect of our mission statement. These guys and gals are often crude, frightening, and very often funny. Insightful commentary about college life is always welcome in these parts. Plus, they include a vast array of links after each post that lead you to funny, frightening, and disturbing stories.

51st State:

A classmate of ours, so this might seem like pathetic pandering, but it's not. 51 is damn funny, and provides a very interesting alternate viewpoint to the election. Yes, apparently foreigners care about who we elect to lead the country. Who knew?

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